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a melhor ferramenta para a sua pagina Facebook é a melhor ferramenta de administração e analise de paginas Facebook para Community Managers, Brand Manages, Marketing Managers, Journalistas, Empreendedores nas redes sociais, Agência Social Media. Com Napoleon você simplificar e melhorar o seu trabalho no Facebook: Seguir seus


a melhor ferramenta para a sua pagina Facebook é a melhor ferramenta de administração e analise de paginas Facebook para Community Managers, Brand Manages, Marketing Managers, Journalistas, Empreendedores nas redes sociais, Agência Social Media. Com Napoleon você simplificar e melhorar o seu trabalho no Facebook: Seguir seus


a employee rich and happy but not always

Everyone would like to be rich and happy, but not everyone can do it. Actually a study show that being too well paid makes employees perform less (and finally the employer is less happy).  


a employee rich and happy but not always

Everyone would like to be rich and happy, but not everyone can do it. Actually a study show that being too well paid makes employees perform less (and finally the employer is less happy).  


at Social Media Week 2012 in São Paulo

Em São Paulo, dias 24-28 de setembro 2012, vai ter um evento bacana. A Social Media Week. Conferencias e workshops com a possibilidade de encontrar pessoal do mundo das redes sociais, agência e marcas, community managers e brand managers. Só


at Social Media Week 2012 in São Paulo

Em São Paulo, dias 24-28 de setembro 2012, vai ter um evento bacana. A Social Media Week. Conferencias e workshops com a possibilidade de encontrar pessoal do mundo das redes sociais, agência e marcas, community managers e brand managers. Só


adaptly para simples campanhas nas redes sociais

Adaptly é uma plataforma de administração de campanhas nas redes sociais. Um sistema revolucionario que semplifica a vida do gestor das campanhas, administrando e otimizando as campanhas no jeito mais simple que vc pode imaginar. Adaptly cuida todo: Planning. Nosso time


adaptly para simples campanhas nas redes sociais

Adaptly é uma plataforma de administração de campanhas nas redes sociais. Um sistema revolucionario que semplifica a vida do gestor das campanhas, administrando e otimizando as campanhas no jeito mais simple que vc pode imaginar. Adaptly cuida todo: Planning. Nosso time


o melhor serviço de PUSH notifications do mundo agora no Brasil

Você tem milhões de usuarios na sua apps mas só o 10% são  fieis? Você precisa de interatividade mas quer um retorno dobre investimento para seus aplicativos? Você precisa de um aplicativo para administrar o seu programa de fidelidade mas não consegue

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o melhor serviço de PUSH notifications do mundo agora no Brasil

Você tem milhões de usuarios na sua apps mas só o 10% são  fieis? Você precisa de interatividade mas quer um retorno dobre investimento para seus aplicativos? Você precisa de um aplicativo para administrar o seu programa de fidelidade mas não consegue

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eventos para startups no brasil

A consultoria* especializada em startups digitais, móveis e em redes sociais organiza eventos de networking, mentoring, investimentos e relacionamento para os startupers entusiásticos do Brasil. Trabalhando com parceiros internacionais a* vai abrir as portas do Brasil para: TechMeetups >>

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eventos para startups no brasil

A consultoria* especializada em startups digitais, móveis e em redes sociais organiza eventos de networking, mentoring, investimentos e relacionamento para os startupers entusiásticos do Brasil. Trabalhando com parceiros internacionais a* vai abrir as portas do Brasil para: TechMeetups >>

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internacionalização de sua startup

Com a consultoria* o empreendedor tecnologico brasileiro poderá descobrir os segredos da internacionalização da sua empresa e ganhar o mundo. procurar novos parceiros identificar investidores anjos ou VC abrir novos mercados ganhar premios (TC, LeWeb, The Next Web,…) Uma

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internacionalização de sua startup

Com a consultoria* o empreendedor tecnologico brasileiro poderá descobrir os segredos da internacionalização da sua empresa e ganhar o mundo. procurar novos parceiros identificar investidores anjos ou VC abrir novos mercados ganhar premios (TC, LeWeb, The Next Web,…) Uma

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discovering sequaz, a followers analytics

At The Next Web Latin America next 22nd August, I’ll meet Antônio Inocêncio, the founder of Sequaz, a followers analytics really interesting delivering very good reports about you and your followers. One of the many startups based in Recife, Brazil. Have

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discovering sequaz, a followers analytics

At The Next Web Latin America next 22nd August, I’ll meet Antônio Inocêncio, the founder of Sequaz, a followers analytics really interesting delivering very good reports about you and your followers. One of the many startups based in Recife, Brazil. Have

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applying for a permanent visa in Brazil

Just contact me if you have any questions about visas in Brazil, I’ll be able to give you my advice and help you find the best way to get a visa in Brazil. You want to make a visa to

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applying for a permanent visa in Brazil

Just contact me if you have any questions about visas in Brazil, I’ll be able to give you my advice and help you find the best way to get a visa in Brazil. You want to make a visa to

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at The Next Web Latin America in São Paulo

The Next Web is a brand that it’s getting huge in Europe about tech and startups things. I could not attend yet any of the events they organized but I’ll to the next one dedicated to South America. As you

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at The Next Web Latin America in São Paulo

The Next Web is a brand that it’s getting huge in Europe about tech and startups things. I could not attend yet any of the events they organized but I’ll to the next one dedicated to South America. As you

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a great financial service

Several weeks ago, we wrote about the way you can easily be a trading expert. Today we go even forward, you can actually be mobile trading expert by simply downloading the new DCM Capital Sentiment App for iPhone. The DCM Capital

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a great financial service

Several weeks ago, we wrote about the way you can easily be a trading expert. Today we go even forward, you can actually be mobile trading expert by simply downloading the new DCM Capital Sentiment App for iPhone. The DCM Capital

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teleportd at the campus party recife 2012

Last week end (27-29 July 2012) a great event for startups enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, mentors, devs, students and many others took place. It was the Campus Party Recife. I was not there, unfortunately. But I would love to show you some pictures.

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teleportd at the campus party recife 2012

Last week end (27-29 July 2012) a great event for startups enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, mentors, devs, students and many others took place. It was the Campus Party Recife. I was not there, unfortunately. But I would love to show you some pictures.

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discovering startups in Brazil

The startups scene in Brazil is simply great. There are so many ideas and great opportunities that gave me the idea to move there to build mine. The examples are really a lot and many updates and news can be found

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discovering startups in Brazil

The startups scene in Brazil is simply great. There are so many ideas and great opportunities that gave me the idea to move there to build mine. The examples are really a lot and many updates and news can be found

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André Alencar

  Esta pagina é pra vc!


André Alencar

  Esta pagina é pra vc!


an entrepreneur and need a partner

I have an idea and would like to find a great co-founder to make it happens. Looking for a new edition of Startup Week End somewhere in the world. Hopefully I’ll find someone in a place in the world. For Matthew

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an entrepreneur and need a partner

I have an idea and would like to find a great co-founder to make it happens. Looking for a new edition of Startup Week End somewhere in the world. Hopefully I’ll find someone in a place in the world. For Matthew

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