teleportd at the campus party recife 2012

Last week end (27-29 July 2012) a great event for startups enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, mentors, devs, students and many others took place. It was the Campus Party Recife. I was not there, unfortunately. But I would love to show you some pictures. To do it I’m using a great product, in beta, developed by a French team in Paris: Capsules by It’s  what you have just at the top of the post. Discover all the photos by rolling over your mouse. With this product you can follow in real time every event that have been pictured and shared on social networks, which means every kind of event all around the world. It’s great isn’t it? Yeah.

Really useful for news sites and media from all around the world to be connected and get materials for their own newspapers and whatever they need. But not only, big and small brands, bloggers from all around the world, artists and many others could find very useful to use this product.

Being teleportd where everything happens. Well done guys, in Paris and in Recife.



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About Davide Ballestra

Swiss Digital entrepreneur currently based in São Paulo.